
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

15 Weeks

Week fifteen is shaping up nicely.

I had an ultrasound yesterday and a follow-up doctor's appointment today. The hematoma is getting smaller, and the baby looks great. Good news! I feel better this week too. Last week I was having cramps pretty consistently, but this week I'm feeling normal again. I can head back to work tomorrow and Friday.

The ultrasound wasn't as exciting this time no pictures :( She basically just measured a lot. The baby is big enough now where they stop measuring crown to rump, and start measuring individual body parts. Baby had it's thigh bones, head, and abdomen measured. Baby is right where it's supposed to be for fifteen weeks.

I have my regular monthly doc's appointment next week, and it's April break for my life of leisure will continue another week.

I went to work Monday with no problems. It was good to be back. I was feeling guilty about missing so much work. I thought my kids would be psyched to have another sub for a few days this week, but they weren't. It's nice to know that they're really good children underneath it all.

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