
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mommy's Little Pumpkin

On second thought...maybe Madeline is a plant after all.  Maybe she's a pumpkin.  Our poor little girl has a pumpkin-y complexion today because she's jaundiced. (Very common in babies so I've been told.  I was jaundiced when I was born too.)

We've been going to have her bilirubins tested everyday.  Sadly, the levels have gone up instead of down since we've been home.  The pediatrician told us we don't have anything to worry about at this point, but we're just watching it to make sure.

In the meantime, what were doctor's orders?

Keep her well hydrated, take her out into the sunlight twice a day, and leave her in the window as much as possible.  

Aren't those the same directions for taking care of a plant?

So, currently Madeline is soaking up the rays from her car seat, which we have strategically placed in the window.  Good thing we have big windows.  Also, good thing she likes to sleep in her car seat so much.

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