
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

10 Weeks

If you had asked me two days ago how Madeline is doing, I would have said that her bad moods are on the way out.  Then last night happened.  Then today happened.  (One step forward, three steps back right?)

Poor Maddie Bear was generally unhappy all day yesterday.  Then she cried almost the entire time her Aunt Carol and Uncle Kevin were over last night.  Then she cried in our bedroom for hours as we tried to put her to sleep.  I was having one of those nights where I just give up.  If she wants to cry, just let her cry, I thought.  So poor Eric ended up doing most of the baby soothing.  Eventually she calmed down enough where I could tuck her into the bed next to me.  The last thing I remember seeing before drifting off to sleep was a sweet baby face staring at me while she sucked on her pacifier. (Not a bad way to fall asleep really.)  Sometime later, I woke up and was able to move her back to her own bed.

Today the bad mood continued.  She cried all morning.  She even cried in her car seat when I brought her to CVS to get some antibiotics for my breast infection.  (Damn you breastfeeding!  DAMN you!)  She never cries in her carseat.  Poor girl.  Something is bothering her.

Luckily, after a few hours of crying, she passed out on my shoulder and napped there for a solid three hours.  I even fell asleep with her for a bit.  She makes a great blanket.  Hopefully she got all her crying out and she'll be better tonight.

But other than the past two days, Madeline really is much more pleasant.  I think her medication has helped her, and I also think she's simply starting to grow out of it.  It used to seem like she didn't know what to do with herself when she was awake, so she cried.  Now, she is so much more alert that she can find ways to amuse herself.  She'll babble.  She'll look around the room.  She'll look at her toys.  She's even started looking at her hands now and again.  I think she's finally starting to realize that those flailing objects that keep hitting her in the face actually belong to her!  Hopefully that means she'll soon be able to control them so she can stop punching herself in the eye.

Hopefully the rest of the week goes smoothly.  We have a busy week full of turkey-eatin' ahead of us.  Mmmmm gravy.

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