
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Adventures in Baby Wearing

 On Saturday we took Madeline on yet another baby-wearing adventure.  This time we took a long walk around Walden Pond because we were trying to live deliberately...complete with Dunkin Donuts coffee and our cellular devices. (Ha, nerdy English teacher alert!)   The air was crisp and cold, but it was warm in the sun.  Madeline was bundled up like the kid from A Christmas Story, and again, she slept on me the entire time.

Let me tell you, walking on uneven ground for an hour with a thirteen-ish-pound mini human attached to you is hard work.  Especially when I haven't done much in the way of serious exercise in the past year because I was busy being pregnant and lazy.  I certainly earned my meatloaf last night.

I can't wait to bring Maddie to Walden next summer.  I can bring her to the beach and go swimming with her. In a few years, the pond will be a nice safe place to bring her kayaking for the first time.  It's a good place for a picnic too.  Eeek, fun times!

 P.S.  Please don't forget to vote for Madeline by following this link.  We're card #4, "Our Little Baby."  Thank you!  Kisses!


  1. Remember Cabelas sells small fishing poles for young anglers that would be perfect at Walden Pond (lots of trout). Picnics at ponds require, food, fun and fishing. Looks like you all had a great time yesterday.


  2. When she comes up to Vermont this summer, she can get a baby fishing pole. Hopefully the fish aren't bigger than her.
