
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

20 Weeks

The bunny appears to be shrinking rapidly...

Madeline is twenty weeks old today!  She's entering her fifth month here on earth, which is awfully close to six months...yikes!

We've been getting a lot of snow days recently.  In fact, Madeline has only spent one full week at daycare since I've been back to work.  That's just fine with me because it means more time snuggling.  Of course, I may regret it come June when I'm longing for the beach and stuck behind a desk instead.

She's recovered nicely from last week's cold.  She still has a bit of a dry cough, but she's back to her happy self.

I've been continuing to feed her rice cereal.  She's finally starting to get into it.  She opens her mouth wide and clamps her toothless gums down on the spoon with gusto.  The last two days she's eaten her entire bowl!  Nom, nom, nom.  She's gonna be a good eater....just like Mumma.

Her eyes are still blue, but we're starting to notice a golden hue around the pupils.  Changing to brown perhaps?

 She ripped her boots and socks off her feet today.  I understand, Madeline; I don't like to wear socks either...but it's cold out!  Keep those piggies covered!

Her curiosity about the world in increasing.  She's finally started to notice The Dizzy Cat.  He definitely notices her, but chooses to ignore her.  She can easily roll onto her side to get a better view of her toys when she wants.  She's not rolling over, but we'll get there eventually.

It's so fun to watch you grow, little bean sprout.  Keep up the good work!


  1. Summer;

    Do you intend to do this for 20 years? Nana & I vote yes.


  2. I can only imagine the very annoyed face of the 15 year old Maddie and the "Really, Mom!! The bunny again!" said with the ever present attitude of teenagers
    - Not to worry, Maddie, when Mom and Dad are crazy you can always run away to Auntie Co-Co. We'll go shopping!

  3. Ha. Sorry, but I only intend on using the bunny until her first birthday....I think Carol's right.
