
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

27 Weeks

Madeline and I are caught up in a never ending cycle of phlegm.  I am sick again.  I'm just plain worn out and coughing up a lung.  Blah.  Madeline is healthy this week but I'm worried that she'll catch my cold...again.  Round and round we go!

Meanwhile, our girl is holding out at a steady 15 pounds.  She lost some weight the last time she was sick, so she's still catching up.  She's also very long...long legs, long fingers, long toes.  I think she may be going through another growth spurt.  She's been eating like a fiend the past few days.

Madeline's personality is shining brighter than a shooting star.  We now know what she likes and dislikes.    She likes the remote control and my cell phone.  Last week she started screaming her head off when I was on my phone because she wanted to play with it.  She likes to be tickled and kissed.  She does not like to be buckled into to anything.  She does not like her bottle cold.  She does not like tummy time...but I guess we knew that already.

She's starting to reach for us more and more.  I love this!  She grabs at my face all the time.  If she's sitting on Eric's lap, she'll put her hands out toward me or vice versa.

We're trying to teach her the meanings of "Mumma" and "Dadda."  Yesterday she kept looking at me when we said, Where's Mumma?!" and Eric when we asked, "Where's Dadda?!" but it could have been a complete coincidence.

Maddie sometimes babbles in a way that makes it seem like she's having an actual conversation.  It's funny to hear her chattering away over the baby monitor.  It's as if she's talking to her toys.  

She's started thrusting her tummy and pelvis into the air when she's lying on her back.  She's either doing her Jane Fonda, or she's trying to figure out how to move better.

Still no rolling over.  We mentioned it to her pediatrician last week at her six month appointment, and she recommended we call early intervention.  We gave them a call on Friday, and they are sending us some information.  I figure it can't hurt to have someone check her out.

I worry about the color of Madeline's poop, so obviously it concerns me that she still hasn't learned to roll over.  On the other hand, I'm not that worried.  She's an intelligent, happy, and healthy girl.  She'll get there when she's good and ready.  Everyone tells me to enjoy the fact that she can't run away from me while I can.

Why do you keep doing this to me, Mumma?!  WHY?!?  Life is so unfair! Sob.

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