
Monday, March 28, 2011

All Hail Princess Madeline

Is it possible for a six-month old to give you attitude?  Because someone in our household has a major case of the princesses, and it's not Eric.  

When Madeline does not get her way, she makes this face:
 Followed by this one:
 And this one:
And finally, this one:

Picture this scenario.  I try to feed Madeline a spoonful of carrots.  Madeline does not want a spoonful of carrots.  She spits them out and looks at me as if I have four heads for even suggesting she eat carrots.  She turns her head away from the spoon.  She pretends to examine the wall.  She pretends to examine her toes.  She dodges the spoon and pretends to examine the other wall.  She whines.  She gives a warning grunt.  She clenches her tiny, angry fists and growls in frustration until her face turns red.  She starts to cry. I give up.  She makes a self-satisfied face as if to say, "That's right, Mumma, I told you I don't eat carrots.  You are a loser.  I clearly am awesome.  Don't make that mistake again."  I let two seconds go by.  I bring the spoon up to her mouth again.  She eats the carrots.  

Madeline is one stubborn baby, and I only have myself to blame since I am one stubborn Mumma.

It's a lot of fun watching Madeline develop her personality.  It may be frustrating battling with a baby, but her little attitude also makes me laugh.

She lives in a world where she's the center of the universe, and that's just as it should be.  If every baby got to be the center of their universes, our society would be a much happier place.  However, I may think it's much less cute when she reaches the toddler years.   

Don't get too comfortable calling the shots, Maddie Bear.  You may be a princess, but I am the queen of this castle, and I promise, you will eat those carrots.

1 comment:

  1. TOTALLY possible to receive attitude. Especially at 6 months! They are just too cheeky (but delightful with it) for words at times.
