
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bragging About My Baby: The Awesomest Baby in the World

This post has no other purpose than to say, "Wow!  Look how gosh darn cute my baby is!"  This has been your public service announcement for the day.  Enjoy.


  1. Summer,
    You are so right Maddie is so cute. The pictures are wonderful. Look at Maddie read!!!
    Love Nana

  2. The other grandma, GrammyMarch 15, 2011 at 4:53 PM

    She's awesome! She's gosh darn cute!! She can read!!! He hee, every Mom thinks her baby is the most awesome, Summer. I did. We may be right...

  3. ohhh, so cute! I love watching babies "read"! :)

  4. i totally had those ernie and bert dolls when i was a baby.....27 years ago. do they still make them, or where those yours?

  5. Deanna, I had them too, so when my mom saw these at the store, she snapped them up. She got them at boarders book store, but I bet they sell them other places too.
