
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

49 Weeks

I spent all day today thinking it was Tuesday when, in fact, it is not.  Today is Wednesday.  That pretty much sums up my life right now.

But, the move is over.  The boxes are becoming fewer.  The furniture is being arranged, and rearranged, and rearranged once more.  The Internet Gods have blessed our new home with their presence.  Hallelujah!  The Maddie Bear is sleeping...fingers crossed.  Life is beginning to get back to normal.

Which means....I may have time to blog again!!!

Madeline has had a rough couple of weeks.  Between packing, taking a cruise to Bermuda, and moving to a whole new house, her life has been completely twisted turned upside down.  She hasn't been on any kind of predictable schedule, and if I've learned one thing over the past three weeks, it's that Madeline needs a routine.  

Yet, in true Maddie Bear style, she's taking it all in stride.  She's been a little crankier, a little less predictable, a LOT more clingy, but mostly good.

She's becoming very grownup as of late.  I feel like she's moving out of babydom and into toddler hood.

She plays with her toys like an actual kid now.  She kisses and rocks her baby doll.  She makes hats out of non-hat a bag of lettuce at the super market today.  She likes to hide behind furniture and peek out at people to play games.  When I read to her, she points to the pictures on the page and listens to me speak in a way that she never has before.

Maddie is also building her vocabulary.  She says Dada, Hi, Ouch, Out, Hat, and Bubba on a regular basis.  She also says "Pop," referring to her grandfather.  This is pretty much awesome because she refuses to let him hold her, yet she can say his name.  Her teachers even mentioned her use of the word "Pop" today at daycare.

Madeline is starting to show signs of temper tantrums.  If you take away something she wants, she loses it.  This usually involves food, but it's also happened with bits of things she's found on the floor, my sunglasses, my cellphone...pretty much anything she's not supposed to have.

Speaking of which, bad things have been finding ways into her mouth.  I had to dig out pieces of what looked like gravel today.  I don't know where it came from, since we were in her bedroom at the time, but she had pebbles in her mouth.  Yikes!  

She still has four teeth, but I think some new ones are coming in.  She was drooling like mad this evening.  Maddie has started grinding her teeth...loudly.  It took me a minute today to realize that the sound of pebbles in her mouth were in fact pebbles and not just Madeline grinding her choppers.

She's not walking yet, but she's standing very well.  Her early intervention teacher was quite impressed with her leg and trunk control this week.  Maddie's also been cruising more and more.  She did several laps around the railing of her crib last night, and she's been making her way across the house by shuffling from box to box.

We have such a sweet, funny, smart little girl.  I feel so blessed to have our new little house for our little family.  It's going to be such a joy to watch her grow up here.  

P.S.  Still no bunny picture because obviously I fail at life.  But, it's coming soon.


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