
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Moral of the Story: Eat More Kisses!

Sofia Vegara came to me in a dream this week and told me to lay off the eclairs.

"Seriously, Summer, you get beeeeger and beeeger every year that I know you."  This is what the Sofia Vegara of my subconscious actually told me.

I was in mid bite when I realized she had insulted me.  I wiped the cream filling off my mouth in shame and sat there like an idiot, torn between finishing my delicious pastry and dying of embarrassment.

In my waking life, I took this as a sign that maybe I really should lay off the eclairs.  So instead?  I'm eating Hershey ma bathrobe.

Damn you, Gloria!  The only thing that gets "beeeger and beeeger" on you every year is your bodacious chest.

Moral of the story?  Eat fewer eclairs, but eat more Hershey Kisses.  Also?  I'm hot.  

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