
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What We've Been Up To

Eating ice cream:  (Although, honestly, when are we NOT eating ice cream?)  

Introducing Madeline to the joys of Skeeball:
 Watching fifers at local festivals:
Trying unsuccessfully to get a good picture of Madeline and Eric for Father's Day:  
 Doing my best Ms. Frizzle impression by sporting a Flamingo Dress in public:
 Stuffing ourselves into kiddie-sized trains at local festivals:
 Unintentionally playing twinsies with the BFF:
 Eating a first lollipop:

 Visiting the Franklin Park Zoo:
 Where we waited for a giant Corpse Flower to bloom so we could experience the smell of rotting flesh:
 And watched lions napping in the sunshine:
Inserting cats in our photographs thanks to this:


  1. Nana says;
    Great Photos
    Love to all

  2. The flamingo dress is super cute! Wear it proudly!
