
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Maddie Bear Says...

"Oh, dat shirt!  I love it!  I wear it!"
While walking through Macy's.

"I fell down.  I fell down.  I fell down.  I fell down.  I fell down."
And repeat, repeat, repeat in the saddest voice ever until you acknowledge that she fell down....five days ago.

"I love dat book!"
While in the adult fiction section of the library.  

"Self!  Self!.....Mumma self."
While trying to put her shoes on, realizing she can't do it herself, and passing the task off to me.  

"Dat's mine!"
To everything she sees.  

"Oh my goodness!  Be careful!"
While staking ribbons spools on the couch.

"Baby!  Baby in da tollo!"
 Pointing at a baby in a stroller.  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like she has pretty awesome comedic timing, lol. This cracked me up. So, does she read 50 Shades of Grey? :)
