
Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Morning Messes with Mumma and Maddie Bear

I have a confession to make.

I did not wake up at 4 am to make muffins this morning.  Gasp. Shock. Horror.  In fact, this project didn't even happen this week.  It happened two weeks ago....on a Wednesday...afternoon.

Wednesday Afternoon Messes with Mumma and Maddie Bear just doesn't have the same ring to it though.  And if you can't lie on the Internet anymore then what is this world coming to?

Let's pretend this little confession never happened, shall we?  
Would this face ever mislead you??  

Last Wednesday afternoon Monday morning, we found ourselves in the possession of three giant, delicious zucchini from our garden.  As it turns out, we're pretty awesome farmers.  But since we spent the better part of a month eating delicious zucchini on an almost daily basis, I was little over it.

Enter zucchini muffins!  This project served two purposes:

First, I figured it would be a good opportunity for Madeline and I to play Martha and Julia in the kitchen together.  I can't decide who's who for the life of me.  Frankly, it looks like both of us spent the morning in a Yurt without a comb.  That's not very Julia, and certainly not Martha.

I was also hoping I could trick persuade Madeline into eating some vegetables if they came in the form of a muffin. (It didn't work.)  I'm pretty sure the amount of sugar and butter in the recipe I used outweighs any nutritional benefit these muffins may have had, but at least there's fiber or something like that.....right???  Maddie also ate about half a canister of raisins during the process.  We like to keep things regular around here.

Madeline was a great little helper.  She was having so much fun, in fact, that she managed to dump half a container of salt into the batter of one of the muffins before I could stop her.

If I were a smarter lady, I would have put a toothpick in that muffin, but alas, too much of my brain has been wasted on Disney songs and Saved by the Bell references.  Therefore, we have one very salty mystery muffin somewhere in the bunch.

Do any of these muffins look saltier than the rest to you?

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