
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dear Madeline: July, 2013

Dear Madeline,

Phew!  I can't believe it's time to write your monthly letter already.  Why is it that summer vacation always goes by so fast?  Why can't summer vacation feel more like March....long and dwindling...but with less work?  

There are two main things I want to say this month.   One:  You're basically the awesomest kid ever.   We're having so much fun together this summer.  You're so funny, silly, and spunky.  Yet, at the same time you're such a sweet and sensitive little girl.

I feel like I've gotten to know you better over the past weeks, which seems silly because I'm your mother and know every freckle on your body. (By the way, you have some new ones across your nose.)  Still, I've never had you home and to myself for such a long stretch of time since you were an infant.  And let's face it, although you were quite cute, you weren't much in the personality department at three months old.  Now that I'm with you basically every moment of the day, I'm discovering and understanding more and more of what makes Maddie Bear tick.  I love it.

The second thing I wanted to discuss this month is HOLY STUBBORN CHILD!   I can't understand where you get this hard-headedness from.  It certainly doesn't run in my side of the family.  (I say with total sarcasm.)  But, girl, when you dig your heels in, you dig them in hard.

For example, we've started seriously focusing on potty training again.  You know what going potty means.  You understand perfectly what we want you to do.  You sit on the potty at least ten times a day.  You just won't GO on the potty.

This afternoon you refused to sit on the toilet, but you also refused to keep a diaper on.  I wasn't pressuring your in either direction, but I was gently encouraging you to choose an option other than the floor.  I could see by your wiggling and grasping that you had to go, but you just would not relent.  Eventually, you crawled under the dinning room table and cried hysterically until you wet yourself.  It was the saddest thing ever.  Holding it forever is not an option, Maddie Bear.  Diaper or potty or floor...out it must come.

Basically living with you is like living with a small teenager.  You argue with everything.  Dada likes to play the Bugs Bunny game with you.  The two of you will go back and forth:  "No, it's not."  "Yes, it is!" for several rounds until Dada suddenly changes his answer to agree with you.  Without missing a beat, you change your answer too simply so that you can keep disagreeing with him.  "Yes, it is!"  "No, it's not, Dada!"

You've also been refusing to nap even if you're really tired.  It makes the afternoons hell, but bedtime much easier.  Maybe your lack of nap this afternoon had something to the epic potty meltdown under the dining room table.  I think so.

In spite of your mule-like tendencies, I wouldn't have you any other way, Maddie girl.  You're the brightest light in this little corner of the universe as far as we're concerned.

Love You Always,

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