
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Music

My husband, king of the band geeks, plays in a local community band. During the summer months, they perform on the town common once a week.

He's the one in the middle.  

Madeline loves these concerts. Last night she proudly gasped, "There's my Dada!" when she first spotted Eric on the stage. She's also told me that she wants to play in the band when she's "a grownup."

I think she's well on her way to being a world class musician.

She also loves Dada's concerts because she gets to run around in the grass like a crazy person. I always leave expecting her to fall asleep on the car ride home, but she's usually so excited and wound up that she stays up extra late instead.

The final concert of the season was last night, and Mimi and Bob came with brownies. They chased Madeline around for a solid hour and a half while I relaxed on the blanket. Maddie Bear loved it.

Next summer we'll have a wild Maddie Bear and a little baby to chase around at Dada's concerts.  Looking forward to it.

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