
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Parenting, Currently

I'm attempting to nurse Vivi before putting her down for her afternoon nap, but someone is making the process difficult.  

If only I could get big sister to understand that if she lets Vivi nap then she has Mumma all to herself.  

A few minutes ago I told her she couldn't play with the iPad.  But since she knows I'm trapped under the baby, she pulled her red bouncy horse over to the bookshelves to try and reach it anyway. (See him guiltily peaking out behind her? I realize M looks guilty in the picture too, but she was not.  She was hiding from a pretend monster.) 

I told her that if she touched it, I wouldn't let her play with it for an entire week.  That convinced her to go play with her toys in the other room for about two minutes.  Then she came back and used a drumstick to hammer a nail in the floor.  

Guess who is now not napping?  

*** Update***

Vivi eventually fell asleep, so I don't have to sell my children to the Gypsies afterall.

Now I've unleashed a wild Maddie Bear on the world to get some energy out.

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