
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Cabin Fever

Here at Casa de Redhead, we've been couped up indoors too long.  I wouldn't even call it cabin fever.  Cabin fever means you get a little antsy and start reorganizing your sock drawers for fun.  We're beyond that.

We've played all the games, stacked all the blocks, undressed all the dolls, and painted all the surfaces.

This morning Madeline ran around the house naked for twenty minutes.  The floor is paved with Cheerios, but I never stop vacuuming. I've done laundry, organized cabinets, and picked up toys, which we all know is a big waste of time.  And that pig who likes parties.  Oh that pig.  Vivi has a cold with conjunctivitis, which she was kind enough to pass along to her dear ole mum. 

Have you ever had to administer eye drops to a four-year-old child?  Torture!  Don't mind the screams, neighbors.  That's just the sound of me keeping my daughter healthy against her will.  

Madeline had to miss pajama day at school today due to our disgusting condition and will probably be out tomorrow too.  Meanwhile, there's more snow (if that's even possible) headed our way.  We're all going to go mad before spring arrives.  Mad, I tell you!  

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