
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

9 Weeks

Madeline got her first hard life lesson yesterday at the doctor's.  You can't always trust people.  There she was, minding her own business, when some strange lady came along and stabbed in her the thigh three times with something really sharp!  And Mumma and Dada actually stood there and let the strange lady do it!  Ouch!

Madeline got her first round of shots yesterday at her two-month appointment, and it was probably almost as painful for us as it was for her.  She threw open her little mouth as wide as it would go while the rest of her face scrunched up in absolute horror.  She held her breath for a few tense seconds before she let out the most bone-piercing wails a little person her size can make.  I scooped her up and cuddled her as fast as I could.  I wish we could explain all of it to her, but all she knew was that somebody came along and hurt her for no good reason.  Heartbreaking.  Sometimes it's really tough being a baby.

After her stressful morning at the doctor's office, she slept like a log the rest of the day.  It was nice to have some peace and quiet for a change.  I think Eric and I were actually a little bored with ourselves after two months of being conditioned to soothing a crying infant every afternoon.

The past week was probably one of the easiest we've had in a while.  She had several "good" days.  She had some tough days too, but they felt different.  Her crying wasn't as desperate; it didn't last as long.
I'm hoping the worst is behind us, but you never know.  I'm learning quickly that when it comes to raising a baby, you may take one step forward only to take three frustrating steps back.

She's changing so fast.  She's suddenly much more verbal.  It's so fun to talk to her and watch her try to talk back.  She's smiling more and more, and I swear I even heard a laugh in there a few times too.  (Eric thinks I'm crazy, but I have witnesses!)

She's also getting very strong.  She tries to sit herself up sometimes.  The result is usually a frustrated baby with her head folded down into her chest, but she tries.

 And....she's now over twelve pounds.  She's our little chunka chunka burning love.

Yo, everybody just chill.  I'm nappin'. 


  1. Haha I love the conductor picture. And she did giggle...I heard it! Not sure it if was on purpose but it happened...true story Eric.

  2. Cute! She looks like she's conducting!
