
Friday, November 12, 2010

Dancing with Madeline

My sainted parents came over and watched Madeline for a few hours today while I took a quick trip to Barnes and Noble where I enjoyed a spiced pumpkin latte and took advantage of the free magazines before returning home.

Madeline was a good girl for them, and she was a good girl when I got home too.  But, she was obviously tired and not interested in sleeping.  My gal fights sleep like a samurai fight other samurai....or maybe ninjas?  Hmmm, who do samurai actually fight?

After about an hour of trying to get her to sleep, I decided to flip on the ol' Ipod and do some dancing with my gal.  She loved it.

We got through the following songs on shuffle:

Someone to Watch Over Me- Willie Nelson
Take On Me- Ah Ha
Lady Stardust - David Bowie
God Only Knows- The Beach Boys
The Blower's Daughter- Damien Rice
Suddenly Seymour- Little Shop of Horrors

The Beach Boys were by far her favorite.  She fussed during David Bowie, which broke her Momma's heart since he's a big favorite of mine, but she calmed down and started drifting off to sleep during the Beach Boys.  (Her love of the Beach Boys is sure to make her grandparents proud since Eric informs me that her Poppy is a big fan, and my mom once hung out with them after a concert when she was a wild and crazy blond in the 60s.  She was obviously much cooler than I ever was.)  By the time "Suddenly Seymour" came on, she was sacked out in my arms and ready for the crib.  Of course, she only stayed in the crib for about twenty minutes because like I said, Maddie is a sleep samurai.

1 comment:

  1. SO exciting that Maddie likes to dance! Dancing Queen by Abba should be HER song.


    PS; I have every one of those songs on my IPOD too, BUT "Suddenly Seymour"?!? Bob is suggesting Bob Wills & The Texas Playboys (cover your ears Maddie!). ; > )
