
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

19 Weeks

Happy nineteen weeks, little Madeline.

I feel like she's learned to do so much in just the past week!  When I brought her to the doctor's last Monday, I was still a little concerned about her lack of interest in her toys.  Lo and behold, she's been grabbing at everything in front of her face.

Her favorite toy is a stuffed giraffe who we have dubbed Mr. Gie-raff.  Anyone remember that Raggedy Anne and Andy movie that looked like a bad acid trip??  If you do, her Gie-raff kinda reminds me of the camel from that movie.  He's quite ugly and sad looking, but she loves him anyhow.  She likes to grab his head and suck on his nose.

The thing she's most obsessed with, though?  Her toes.  Gal can't top grabbing her toes!  There's nothing cuter than a chubby baby holding her piggies in the air.  It always throws her off balance though, (Sorta like a turtle on its back.) and she ends up on her side.  This has helped her realize that she has control over her own body.  The wheels are turning, the muscles are growing.  She hasn't rolled over yet, but I don't think it will be long.

Another favorite game is "baby in the mirror."  She laughs at the baby in the mirror.  She makes sad face at baby in the mirror.  She flirts with the Mumma and Dadda in the mirror.  She spends a lot of time looking at herself in the mirror.  She's so vain, I bet she thinks this blog is about her.  

On the grosser side, she's a drooly-mc-droolerson these days.  I knew she'd eventually turn into a drool monster...all babies do, right?  But, it's still pretty gross.  When Eric hold her up over his head, he finds himself having to dodge the drool drops.

Her vocal tricks are continuing to grow.  She whines a lot now.  (Where did she get that from??)  Her favorite new noise seems to be a miserable sounding, "Ahhh, mumm, mumm, mumm, ba, ba, ba, ba."  In fact, I can hear it coming through the baby monitor as I type this.

She's a pretty amazing little sweet potato.  I'm so used to her presence in our lives now.  She's no longer new to me.  I've gotten to know her personality better, and more times than not, I can pinpoint what's bothering her when she's upset.  Don't get me wrong, there are still times where nothing seems to please her, but for the most part, I've got her number.  And before we know it, that "Ahhh, mumm, mumm, mumm, mumm, ba, ba, ba," will have turned into something more like, "Mumma! Get me out of this crib!!"

1 comment:

  1. 19 weeks and we think it's the best picture ever. Maddie you are one pretty little girl.
    So says Nana and Poppy with love
