
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oh, What A Year It's Been

A year ago this week, I found out I was pregnant with the Maddie Bear.  I don't remember the exact date, but I think it may have been the 26th, because it was only a few days before Bob's birthday on the 28th.  I didn't drink when we went out to dinner to celebrate, and because I'm obviously a lush, my mother became suspicious right away.

After everything that happened with Ellis, it took me and Eric a long time to accept that we were really having a baby. We were very excited...but also very cautious.  I had spotting on and off throughout the first trimester and a blood clot on my uterus, all of which added to my caution.  I was sure I was losing the baby on more than one occasion.  In fact, I can remember driving home from the doctor's office about a week before giving birth and finally saying to Eric, "Oh, my God, we're having a baby!!" Duh, Summer.  That's how long it took me to let myself really believe it.  

Luckily, all the worrying was in vain because it turned out to be a very uncomplicated pregnancy, and now, here we are with a beautiful, healthy daughter.  I thank my lucky stars every day that the universe decided to bless us with Madeline.

So, here we are.  Maddie has been our lives in one way or another for a full year.

It's pretty crazy to think that she's gone from this:

To this:

We love you, Little Peanut.

1 comment:

  1. Love that photo! Maddie is just glowing with love for her Daddy. She sure is a beautiful little peanut!
