
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

46 Weeks

Madeline in one word this week: demanding.

Our daughter has turned into a mini dictator.  Minus the mustache.  Oh, wait!
Ta-Da!  Dictator in diapers.

Yesterday was one of those days where I felt like I didn't have two seconds to breathe, and yet nothing got done.  Why?  Surprise! Babies are exhausting!

Now that Madeline can get around so well, all she wants to do is explore.  There's so much she wants to see and do...and so much we won't let her.

Ninety-nine percent of parenting is making sure your child doesn't do something stupid to hurt herself.  For example, I find it very strange that I have to teach my daughter not to stuff an entire piece of toast into her mouth at once.  Shouldn't Mother Nature have taken care of that?  Seriously, why does she want all of the food in her mouth at the same time?  You're not a chipmunk, Madeline; you don't need to store food in your cheeks for the winter.  I will be feeding you again in two hours.  Promises.

And why does she want to get into the diaper pail so badly? Why, Madeline, why?  Do you miss those dirty diapers?  Let them go, Maddie, let them go.  They've gone to a better place.

And why does her sippy cup make her SO angry that she needs to hurl it across the room every time she's finished taking a sip?  What has that sippy cup ever done beside provide her with thirst-quenching deliciousness.

Still, it is pretty amazing to watch her discover the world.  It's incredible that a week ago she was still just starting to figure out how to pull herself up to standing, and now, that's all she does.  She could be in the X Games for pulling herself up to standing.  She manages to pull herself up in some pretty precarious situations.

In other news, she has a new favorite noise to make.  First she had the nose hiss, then she had the geeky laugh, then she throat gasp, and now she has the puppy whimper.  Seriously, she sounds exactly like a puppy who has been shot in the leg.  The noise she makes is definitley not human.

It's kind of funny because she just sounds so miserable when she makes it even though she'll just be sitting there playing with her toys happily.  It's also kinda annoying...not gonna lie.  I hope it doesn't last long.

Meanwhile, she's still very, very, very cuddly these days.  She wants me all the time.  It sometimes gets to the point where if I leave the room to go to the bathroom, she cries.

Part of the reason may be that she's getting more teeth!  One of the top middle teeth has broken the surface, and the other one is on its way.

Now she will be able to bite me properly when she gives me "kisses."