
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Music Lessons with Dada

Madeline has been going through a major Mumma fad recently.  It's all Mumma all the time as far as she's concerned.  In fact, it sometimes gets to the point where she cries when she sees Eric coming because she thinks he's going to take her away from me.

As much as I bask in the glow of Madeline's love, (which I know won't last forever) I feel really bad for Eric.  He's a really kick-ass dad, and I know I'd feel awful if my baby girl was rejecting me on a fairly regular basis.  Luckily, since Eric is a kick-ass dad, he seems to realize that it's just a phase and doesn't take it too personally.  I think I'd spend the morning sobbing uncontrollably into my Cheerios if Madeline cried every time she saw me.

When I'm busy cooking dinner or taking a shower and can't have Madeline underfoot, Eric sometimes has to whisk her away from me kicking and screaming.  However, once she's in the other room, she pretty much forgets I exist and starts having fun with Eric instead.

The other day I walked into the living room to see them curled up on the couch together staring at the Ipad.    They were watching recordings of various symphonies performing Mozart.

Madeline was pretty enraptured.  Eric even taught her to wave her fingers in the air like she's conducting an orchestra.

He also taught her to say Mozart, as clear as a bell.  Now every time we get in the car she begins requesting, "Mozart?  Mozart?  Mozart?"  Eric turns the radio to a classical music station and Madeline says, "Yeah, Mozart..." as if approving his selection.

So although Madeline might not always outwardly appreciate her Dada, she's certainly soaking up a lot of his interests.

 Meanwhile, the only thing she's learned from me is how to swear and how to throw a temper tantrum when she's hot and hungry.  C'est la vie.  

1 comment:

  1. Well...Sunday, when that BIG dog went nose to nose with Madeline and licked her face, she nearly vaulted up into Eric's arms! She knows where to go when it counts. ;-)
