Tuesday, July 30, 2013


We traveled to Montauk this weekend to visit with Nana and Pop, and to most importantly, pick up Dada from his three-week voyage at sea/river.

Being in Montauk is like walking into a living, breathing JCrew catalog.  Long-legged blonds hang out of the back of Jeeps wearing nothing but bikinis and a smile.  Little boys with shaggy sun-bleached hair balance surfboards on their bikes.  Men with unshaven jaws and unbuttoned shirts drink wine directly from the bottle on the beach.  And everyone is just so pretty.

I wore a JCrew dress, but I'm about six inches too short and 50 lbs too chubby to make it through the editing process.  You'd be more likely to find me on the back sales rack at a JCrew outlet in Hoboken.  I'm okay with this.  Pass the ice cream.

We spent the weekend playing dress-up with Nana Kathy, going to the beach, eating good food, napping for long stretches of time, and chasing Madeline around a playground.

Eric and I snuck away for a date night one evening, which was wonderful as always.  We ate fresh seafood, gazed at boats we wish we could buy, and topped it off with some ice cream.  Thanks, Nana and Pop.

We got back home this afternoon, and I must say, it's nice to have Eric back in the house again after a three-week absence.

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