Thursday, August 26, 2010

Parenting 101 with The Linsners

Once when Eric and I were reminiscing about fond childhood memories early on in our relationship, he told me about how he and his parents used to play Log. At first, I thought he was making it up, but when I met his parents for the first time, his mom started to talk about the game of Log as well. Apparently it was quite popular when Eric was a wee tot.

The object of the game is as follows:
Lie as silently as possible without moving to pretend you are a log. The person who stays like this the longest wins!

I imagine it sounding something like this:
Little Eric: Dad, dad, let's play a game!
Eric's Dad Eric: Sure son! Let's play Log!
Little Eric: Log?! Oh Boy! I love Log!
Eric's Dad Eric: Ready? On you mark? Get set? Go!
Little Eric: ........................................................................(I'm winning! I'm winning)....................................................................
Eric's Dad Eric:....................(Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

The fact that little Eric once fell for this is quite endearing to me. I can picture him lying like a log on the floor for hours staring at the ceiling. Meanwhile, his dad was giving him quite a challenge as he played log on the couch comfortably and without interruption.

I just know that one day I'm going to come home to find baby girl lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling like a log while Eric sleeps on the couch. I guess I can't really argue with tradition.

It also reminds me of this little gem from Ren and Stimpy, which I never really liked because it made me feel weird and gross inside, but I do remember the log song.


  1. And don't forget the animal sound game!! You learned the rules . . . "Now, baby girl, the rules are that you can't talk until you make the sounds of that animal."
    "Let's play - make the sound of a pig"
    Baby girl - "Oink, oink"
    "Make the sound of a horse"
    Baby girl - "Nay-nay"
    "Make the sound of a giraffe"
    Blissfull peace and quiet.

    That will be Auntie Co-Co and Uncle Ke-Ke's favorite game. =0)

  2. I think that it will be Eric's favorite game too. :)

    Baby girl is going to have such a great time playing at Auntie Co-Co and Uncle Ke-Ke's house!
