Monday, September 6, 2010

Non-stress Tests Rock...

And, just as the name suggests, they are, in fact, not stressful at all.  

Let's face it, I've been a bit of an anxious pregnant lady.  I've had many sleepless nights; I've spent many hours counting kicks.  (Although counting kicks doesn't seem to be necessary these days since baby seems determined to kick straight through my ribcage!)  So, if I could get one of those machines in our house, I totally would because it. was. awesome. 

Hearing baby's heartbeat echoing around the room for so long...listening to it quicken and then slow...was amazing.  Plus, we were able to see it on the monitors at the same time.  Every time I felt her move, I could see the line sharply rise then fall where it continued to beat steadily along.  It was so peaceful and reassuring that I think I went into a semi-hypnotized state.  I didn't even get to read the tempting pile of O Magazines they had sitting next to the bed...and we all know how much I love The Oprah.

This morning when we first checked into Labor and Delivery, we were greeted by a nurse who worked with us while we were there with Ellis.  She remembered us in detail which I was kind of surprised about.  After all, they see a lot of people coming through those doors.  She was wonderful.  All the nurses there are wonderful.  We're going to be well taken care of when baby comes.  

I was instructed to lounge on a bed, the nurse tied some straps around my belly, Eric pulled my shoes off, and I made myself comfortable.  She explained what they were looking for and showed us how to read the monitors.  Baby's heart rate started at about 142, and they were checking to see if it rose appropriately with her movements.  In theory, the baby's heart rate should go up to around 160, or at least 15 beats higher than the resting rate, every time she moves.  

After about half an hour of monitoring, the nurse returned and explained everything to us once more.  She pointed out some black dashes that had appeared on the screen and explained that each black dash showed when baby had moved.  There were A LOT of black dashes.  (The strategic stop at Dunkin Donuts on the way obviously paid off.)  I hadn't felt her move as many times as she actually had.  It's pretty amazing to know she's in there bopping around without me even knowing it.  I hope she's not throwing any parties in there without my knowledge.....

I'm sure it will be a drag going to Concord after work two nights a week, but at the same time, I'm a bit excited to be able to do this.  It gives me some one on one time with the babes, and it's so reassuring knowing that she's okay.  You and me baby, we've got a date every Monday and Thursday afternoon...get your dance moves going!    

(A not so attractive photo of me getting non-stressed.) 

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