Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tales of Two Dirt Farmers: On NOT Killing Peter Rabbit

Back in April, we constructed our raised garden bed.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we finally got some veggies in that dirt.   We planted tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and yellow squash.

This might be a little too much veggie actions for such a small space since our garden has gone from this:

to this:

in just a few short weeks.  By August, it's going to look like the mighty jungle.

Look at this little guy....

And look at him now!

Eric also stapled some chicken wire around the perimeter of the garden to keep the wild garden-eating beasts away.

Like this trouble maker:

Don't let the cuteness fool you.  He's really thinking, "I don't know when or how, but I'm going to eat the hell out of you, garden..."

This rabbit comes back every night.  Madeline loves him, and he is NOT shy.  Last night we got about three feet away from him, and he did not mind.

True Story:  My step dad has a friend who once solved the problem of a rabbit eating his garden by taking out his cross bow and killing the rabbit.  He then erected a simple wooden cross just outside the garden with the inscription, "Here Lies Peter Rabbit."  I was thirteen when this happened, and it left quite the impression on me.

I, however, am not Katniss Everdeen, so I do not own a cross bow.  The fence will have to do.

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