Friday, March 28, 2014

Vivi: Fourteen Weeks

Vivi gained two ounces according to her checkup last Monday.  Woohoo!  However, since she's still spitting up a lot, refusing feedings, and underweight, the doctor changed her medication and referred us to a GI specialist who we are meeting with next week.

The new medicine blocks her stomach from producing acid.  It's like baby Prevacid.  She's only been on it a few days, but I think I see a difference.  One thing is for sure, she has been eating like a fiend.  She hasn't fussed at my breast or refused to eat either.  Knock on wood.  My mom saw her yesterday and thought she looked chubbier.  Hooray!

On the other hand, her fussy periods seem to go in waves.  She has a few good days, but then things gradually get worse until it peaks and then subsides.  This morning she was spitting up A LOT, and she was a bit fussy.  So we'll see if this medicine is working or if we've just been in the happy part of the cycle.

And although Vivi is light, she sure is long.  She's 24 inches already.  She swims in her three-month clothing, but her toes are all squished in some of her pj's.  It's tough being tall and skinny.

 She's been talking SO much.  She just screams and squeals all day.  It's hilarious.  I think she's going to be a talker just like big sister.

She's been flipping onto her side to get a better view of her surroundings.  I left her in her crib the other morning and came back to find her in a completley different spot.  She's a real wiggle worm.  No more leaving her unstrapped in any of her swings or seats when I need to put her down quickly.  Between her desire to roll and sit up, she'd wiggle right out.

Eric and I still are in awe of this little one's determination.  Madeline would just push her face into the floor and cry whenever we did tummy time.  Her attitude was always, "I don't wanna do this!  Not fair!"  Vivi gets mad during tummy time, but her attitude is along the lines of, "Oh hell no!  There is no way I'm staying like this.  You people can't make me."

I am still calling her a drama queen.  Sometimes when she cries I just have to laugh at how woeful she sounds.  She sighs like one of Shakespeare's heroines.

I've been trying to get her on a nap schedule in her crib this week.  Ha.  Silly me.  It's not going well.  She does not like her crib, and she still has not figured out how to calm herself down.  As a result, she didn't nap at all several days this week.  It made for an overtired bedtime disaster.  Ooops.

With Madeline, I had all the time in the world to rock her and teach her to nap in her crib.  I can't just leave Madeline to her own devices for hours a day while I sleep train Vivi though.  She may just end up napping in her swing or in the car forever.  Worse things have happened.

Still, as stubborn as babies can be, Mumma's a pretty stubborn old bird herself.  I'm not giving up on operation sleep-in-the-crib yet.

Best of all, she let out a quick laugh this week.  I was nibbling on her cheeks, cause that's what Mumma's do, and out it came.  It was just a soft, little chuckle...very different from baby Maddie's belly laughs.  I've been nibbling on her cheeks more than usual to see if she'll laugh again, but she just smiles and wrinkles her nose.  So cute!

We love you Vivi!  You quirky, stubborn, dramatic little ray of sunshine!  

1 comment:

  1. Poor thing! Hope the medicine is just what she needs to feel better! And I'm embarking on sleeping training Chase in his crib for naps this weekend... Same exact reason, I can't spend five hours a day rocking him to sleep while Cole gets into mischief! It's so fun that our littles are so close in age :)
