How far along? 36
Total weight gain/loss: Over 25 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I wore the stretchiest pants I own to Thanksgiving yesterday, and today I wore sweats (but fancy sweats) out in public.
Total weight gain/loss: Over 25 lbs
Maternity Clothes: I wore the stretchiest pants I own to Thanksgiving yesterday, and today I wore sweats (but fancy sweats) out in public.
Sleep: Lots of insomnia this week. I got a good chunk of Christmas shopping done between the hours of 2 am and 4:30 am this morning.
Best Moments this Week: Thanksgiving with my family. Seeing baby's face in 3D during today's ultrasound. I debated whether or not I should put the picture up here cause 3D baby images are pretty much the stuff nightmares are born from, but it's my blog, and I'll do what I want.
I showed Madeline the pictures. She studied them with raised eyebrows for a few minutes before tossing them on the floor. "I'm all done," she stated before walking away. Hmmm.
Movement: On my way to my non stress this morning, baby was kicking up a storm. When they hooked me up to the monitors, her heart rate was really high. Too high. At my test on Tuesday, her heart was around 130 BPM. Today, it came in at over 200 BPM. I was told that everything between 120 to 180 is considered normal. It started to fall as baby calmed down, but was still high, so they did an ultrasound. Everything looked great, and when they performed a second non stress test, her heart rate was back to the normal 140s. I did have some leftover pie for breakfast this I 'm wondering if she was having a sugar high. I guess that means more leftover pie for Eric!
Food Cravings: I finally got my gravy fix! About to do leftovers in a few minutes too. Yum!
Food Aversions: As if you have to ask...
Gender: Baby girl!
Labor Signs: As I mentioned the other day, I'm having contractions. I was really crampy the past few days, but today I felt normal again.
Belly Button In or Out? Out
What I Miss: Nothing really. I'm trying to enjoy these last few weeks.
What I am Looking Forward to: Having a baby!
Upcoming Appointments/ Events: I have my next non stress test on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to it after today's little hiccup. Let's keep an eye on this somersault-performing little lady.
What I am Looking Forward to: Having a baby!
Upcoming Appointments/ Events: I have my next non stress test on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to it after today's little hiccup. Let's keep an eye on this somersault-performing little lady.
Current Food Comparison? A crenshaw melon. Whatever that means...
Meanwhile, I'm the size of...
And here's what I looked like at 36 weeks last time!