Thursday, July 15, 2010

28 Weeks

At the beginning of the third trimester, we're now two-thirds of the way there. Just three months left!

I've noticed pregnancy does weird things to time. One one hand, it's going by so fast; but on the other, each day sort of feels like a mini-eternity. On one hand, I want to enjoy the last few months of being pregnant; on the other, I want to fast forward to October when baby girl will be here safe and sound.

And just when I thought I was starting to get to know Baby, she threw me for another loop this week. Last week, she was kicking away, and my stomach was moving and shaking along with her. I was very happy about this because it's just so freaking cool to see her bopping around doing her Esther Williams routine.

Toward the end of last week, however, the movements suddenly changed and became less intense and less frequent. Obviously, I got very stressed out.

I mentioned this to my doctor at my appointment on Monday. He felt around a bit and told me that, although it's a little early, he thinks Baby has turned head down already. He said this would explain the change I'm feeling in movements because she now has more room to stretch out. It also explains why I've been feeling a lot of strange little jabs under my ribs the past week; it's her feet jammed up in there! Baby could always flip back around the other way, but my doctor said, "When they figure out that's where they're supposed to be, they usually stay there."

I've read that most babies flip themselves head down between 32-36 weeks, so Baby is a bit ahead of schedule. I take this as a sign that either A.) Baby is quite smart and advanced for her age or B.) She will be spending a lot of time hanging upside down from the monkey bars in the future.

I have an ultrasound on Monday to check for growth and fluid levels. I'm very excited for this! I love seeing Baby! Hopefully, I'll have some new pics to share as well.

(Since she likes being upside down, maybe I'll just carry her around like this.)

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