Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Teen Mom 2

 I was so tired this morning that I hit the snooze button on my alarm about ten times before finally dragging myself out of bed.

I wish I could say these dark circles under my eyes are the product of motherhood, but they're not.  (At least not my motherhood.) Nope, they are due to my guiltiest of all pleasures...Teen Mom 2.

I don't know what it is about this show.  I know it's trashy.  Eric constantly points out that these are real girls with real problems being exploited on MTV.  I'm aware of all this.  And yet, I. just. can't. turn. away.  Which is why I stayed up way past my bedtime last night to watch the finale special with Dr. Drew.  

This is what Eric had to listen to last night, bless his heart:  

"Whoa, her hair is blond!  Omigod, Adam!  ADAM!!  Arggghhhh!  What is wrong with you?!  Dump him, Chelsea!  Dump Him! No, you don't even understand!  Why isn't Dr. Drew telling them to break up?!  Dr. Drew www!  You don't even understand, Eric!  He's so mean.  Stop laughing.  He's mean!"

"Oh Leah and Corey, you guys are cute even if you did have a Camo themed wedding."

"Gah! What happened to the original Orbits girl?!  This new one sucks.  Fab-u-lous!"

"You shouldn't speak to the mother of your child that way!  Why does he always grab at his penis when he's yelling at her?  What's with guys who do that?!  'Look at me, I'm a tough guy!' Eric, why do guys do that?"

"Doctor Drewwwwww!!  I just want him to tell them all to stop being idiots!  You, stop being an idiot.  You, stop being a D-bag.  Problem solved!"

Eric chirps in, "You're thinking of Dr. Phil.  You want him to grow a mustache and start loving Oprah."

"The world would be a much better place if everyone loved The Oprah."

"Oh Jenelle.  Ohhhhh Jenelle.  I know your mom is bat-ass crazy, but come on, girlfriend!  Dr. Drew?!  Fix her!"

"Wait, that's it?  Dr. Drew didn't even do anything.  God, I hate this show!"


  1. Sounds like our house, except I DVRed it, so the insanity happened earlier this evening. You know the boys like it because it's amusing...

  2. teasing me EVER about My Little Pony.

  3. Haha I'm right there with you! I watched it today, and I swear my thoughts sounded just like what you wrote here :)

    Chelsea needs to quit being dumb and dump Adam for good.
    Jenelle needs to learn a hard lesson.
    Leah and Corey are just sweet!!
    I'm happy for Kailin, but I'm sorry she has to deal with Joe. He needs to grow up.

    Haha there's my two cents :)

  4. I completely agree uwmomma. Amy- I deserve to be made fun of for watching Teen Mom, and you deserve to be made fun of for watching My Little Pony.
