Tuesday, June 7, 2011

38 Weeks

I've got a bad case of the Bloggy Blahs this week. We've got a lot going on with trying to buy a house and running like mad toward the last day of school. I've totally lost my blogging mojo.  Sad

Still, I couldn't miss my Tuesday update, now could I?

Madeline is saying words with purpose now. She says "Bubba" all the time!  Her first real word would involve food, obviously. She also has looked right at Eric and said "Dada" several times. She very rarely says "Mumma." (Thanks for the rejection Maddie Bear...). But, Eric swears she said, "Mumma bubba," the other morning after I left the room.

Speaking of leaving the room, Madeline has been a total Mumma's girl this week. (I guess you're forgiven for not calling me by name.) If I put her down, or leave the room, or pass her to Eric before she's ready, she cries. Gal loves her some Mumma.

 Every night before bed she comes to me for cuddles. She throws Ernie off the couch just so she can laugh when I pick him back up. She watches Eric play her toy piano and tries to repeat it.

Her favorite new trick is to open and close her mouth quickly as if she,s nom-nom-noming on something.  Kinda like a fish...She makes a little popping sound when she does it, and she loves it.  It's pretty hilarious.

She's getting more confident in the crawl position. She rocks back and forth on her hands and knees.  She looks like she's at a rock concert.

We had an almost four-hour long home inspection on Saturday afternoon. Madeline was amazing the entire time. She made not a fuss!

 I sat on the porch with her to feed her a bottle, and I pretended the house was ours.  It's going to be such a great place to grow our little family.

I hope it all works out. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

1 comment:

  1. I've had the bloggy blahs for months!!! I need to hug your baby soon...and see you...obv.

    And arg why won't blogger let me comment normally?
