Monday, June 13, 2011

The Incredible Madeline Lee

I used to try to imagine what my baby's face would look like.  What color her hair would be.  What her voice would sound like.  I spent a lot of time sitting in what is now Madeline's room daydreaming about my future child.

And along with all the imagining, I spent a lot of time trying not to get too attached to a "perfect" image of my baby.  Don't get too attached to the idea of a girl because what if it's a boy.  Don't get too attached to the idea of a musical child because what if she's tone deaf.  Don't get too attached to the idea of frilly dresses because what if she's a tom boy.

But, what I couldn't possibly have understood at the time was that my idea of the "best" baby would in no way compare to the amazingly perfect creature that is my daughter.

There was no way I could imagine a baby as good-natured as Madeline is.

There was no way I could imagine a baby as hilarious as Madeline is.

There was no way I could imagine a baby as intelligent as Madeline is.

There was no way I could imagine a smile as beautiful as Madeline's is.

There was no way I could imagine a personality as charming as Madeline's is.

There was no way I could imagine my sweet little daughter with her Mumma's red hair and her Daddy's eyes. (Which are green today, but could be brown or grey tomorrow.)

And even if she's tone deaf or refuses to wear dresses, my daughter will never cease to amaze and awe me...

Even if it did take Eric and I nearly two hours to get her to go to sleep tonight...

Because Madeline Lee is perfect exactly as she is.

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