Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Nerdy McNerdisons

Remember that scene from Star Wars: Episode III when Anakin Skywalker finally gives into evil?  The Emperor takes a deep breath through his nostrils, as if enjoying the smell of his own midichlorians, while he names his new apprentice Darth Vader.  Well, that's sorta how I feel...except about a completely different nerdy pop culture icon.

After years of ignored suggestions, dropped hints, and numerous viewings of the movies, Eric is finally reading Harry Potter.  In fact, he's read books one through four in less than a week.  It's safe to say that he's come over to the dark side.  I'm the Emperor to his Vader.  The Gandolf to his Frodo.  The Dumbledore to his Harry.

I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter series.  I was one of those people who waited in line at midnight to buy each new book.  I participated in online debates theorizing about Snape's true nature.  I looked into Potter-themed weddings.  While playing the Newlywed Game at my bridal shower, I was asked where I'd like to visit most: Harry Potter World....obviously.

I was pretty sure Eric would give up after the first book.  I still didn't get my hopes up through the second, but when he enjoyed those enough to move onto the third, I started getting excited.

I suggested we start a Harry Potter book club.  Finally, we could share our love of wizardry together.  He looked at me like I was a Crumple-Horned Snorkack.  I offered to write up a series of questions about the book for the two of us to discuss.  We could drink butterbeer, or maybe even some firewhiskey, during our meetings.

He told me he'd stop reading if I pressed the book club issue, so that dream was least for now.   In a few years Madeline will be ready to read the books.  Then we can have our own homemade version of the Triwizard Tournament.  I've got plans.


  1. I love it! I have yet to get my hubby to read them...maybe an online Harry Potter Fan Club is in order?? :)

    1. That sounds like a great idea, Mandy! As long as butterbeer is involved!
