Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What We've Been Up To...

I hope everyone had a fantastic Memorial Day!

It rained, rained, rained here for most of the weekend.  Last year at this time we went to the beach....in bathing suits...I think we actually put our toes in the water...  This year?  We shivered.  Not that I'm complaining too much because it's supposed to be 90 degrees by the end of this week, and that sounds awful.  I'd much rather pull on a cozy sweater than be forced to reveal my pasty, white thighs to the world.  Plus, the children ripen.

Anyhow...all talk of my thighs aside...we had a great weekend.

First, we took a trip the Boston Children's Museum on Saturday morning.  No shocker, it was ridiculously crowded.  On a rainy long weekend?!  Say what?!  Still, Madeline had a blast, and we got there early enough to beat the worst of the crowds.

(Those "children" in the background are plastic.  They kept sneaking up on me.)  

 Then we ate this glorious plate of childhood memories....
 It was just as I remembered it.  It also took at least a year off my life.  Worth it.

 We brought Madeline bowling on a complete whim.  She wasn't into it.  In fact, she pouted most of the time.  Still, her score was only two points behind mine.  Not too shabby, little red.  

I went on a shopping spree with my bff on Sunday.  Am I horrified or thrilled by my new hat?  You be the judge.  

On Monday, the clouds cleared.  It was sunny and cool and simply beautiful.  We took advantage by getting our veggies in the ground.  Last year we made the mistake of growing cucumbers and zucchini in that little space in addition to everything else.  This year, we kept things simple.  Tomatoes, and peppers, and peas!  Oh my!

Madeline helped plant a bit, but mostly she just flung all the dirt out of the garden. 

Grow, little guys, grow!  I want to eat you!  

Pretty soon it will be summer vacation and every day will be like Memorial Day!!!  So super excited.