Tuesday, May 3, 2011

33 Weeks: The Tooth, The Whole Tooth, and Nothing but The Tooth

Big news in the world of Maddie Bears!  So big, in fact, that I think the President should hold a press conference.

First...............................she rolled over today!  Several times!  From her back to her tummy!  Hoo-ray!

After a series of particularly ear-piercing wails via baby monitor at 1 AM, I found Madeline lying in her crib...on her tummy!  I was so shocked to find her belly down that I scooped her up and looked under the crib to see if the Sleep Monster was up to his old tricks.  I didn't find him, so this afternoon I tested Madeline to see if she had been responsible for rolling over onto her tummy.  She didn't disappoint.  She rolled from her back to her belly three times in a row for me, and then twice for Eric when he got home from work.  I was so excited, I almost peed.  

Madeline is also getting much better at standing.  We're now able to let go of her as long as she's holding on to a table or the couch.  Standing by herself really freaks her out though.  She had giant tears rolling down her face when she did it this afternoon.  I think she gets scared and doesn't quite know how to get herself down.  She can't get herself up either for that matter. Our girl is not a climber...yet.

Because...her upper body strength is starting to improve as well. Observe:

I see some major baby proofing in our immediate futures.  It seems like everything is finally starting to click in place for Madeline, and before we know it, she'll be running around the living room.

In other news, Madeline got her first tooth!  It's right in the middle of the bottom row.

Every time she's been cranky for no reason over the past few months, we've blamed it on teething.  Yesterday, she showed us what teething really looks like.  She was a total grumpus, poor thing.  It's no wonder.  On Sunday, she didn't have a tooth.  As of last night, she has a sharp, pointy, white nibblet poking out of her gums.  She keeps using her new mini tooth to chew on my finger.  She may be part vampire.

Unfortunately, her new tooth kept waking her up last night.  I was hopping out of bed every half hour to comfort her, and Eric's sister was sleeping over, so eventually I moved her into bed with us.  She slept pretty well after that.  I did not.  For such a little baby, she takes up an awful lot of room in that bed.  

She was in a MUCH better mood today.  Hopefully that means she'll sleep well tonight.  After all of today's excitement, I'm clean tuckered out.

If any veteran moms have any advice on how to comfort a teething baby, I'd sure appreciate it!


  1. Amber necklace has helped both my kids. And Motrin. I alternate Tylenol and Motrin every 4 hours on really bad nights.
    During the day - lots of cold teethers. And make sure beer is in the fridge for when she goes down at night!

  2. WOW! It was a big day in baby land!

  3. Yayyy Maddie!!! I find PoPSicles help. The Mighty-Mini/slow melt kind are great!
    (and the beer's a great idea, too!) ;)Dawn

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  5. My friend used Camomile. It comes in little tablets. She got it at whole foods and online. Her son loved it!

  6. http://www.drugstore.com/hylands-teething-and-irritability-chamomilla-30x-tablets/qxp29093

  7. Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I've heard of amber necklaces and am curious about those. I've never heard of Mighty-Mini slow melts or of Camomile tablets. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try them all....perhaps all at once? Will it make her teeth explode?
